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tv   Headline News  RT  February 5, 2013 7:00am-7:28am EST

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intensifies its assault on the hideouts of islamic militants on mollie's border with algeria locals in the liberated cities claim the campaigns come at a high cost to civilians. as barack obama's diplomatic team gets ready to rock n roll on the world arena a new report suggests many of the u.s. foreign service workers are paying to get the jobs. that israel considers building a buffer zone reaching far inside syria but it claims that troops would only be stationed there for security purposes though those claims have that.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here on r.t. today i'm a live in moscow with your world wide news well the french military forces have now stepped up their offensive on a rebel bases in northern mali with fighter jets pounding militant hideouts are right near the border with algeria meanwhile two senior islamic leaders have been captured fleeing the airstrikes we now report from the frontline of the war hit country. euler see that is their money because they know what i'm going to look at today in this town in mali everyone is celebrating the capture of two important islamist leaders one of them is mohammed the head of the demon a group which retired a contin book too for months particularly violating the rights of women he was captured along with baba ahmed leader of the movement for unity and jihad in west africa toerag say he was taken north of keep close to the border without jury or the capture of these two leaders demonstrates what everyone knows the city of go
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and to book to our havens of security in a dangerous wilderness we were ourselves detained by the mali an army when trying to get to the city of any movement towards the north has been strictly forbidden since last weekend when six million soldiers were killed by explosives planted by rebels on the roads leading there but this risk affects the stability of the country distances in mali are so big that it is next to impossible to travel safely on the roads so now the region lacks food medicine and fuel specifically in this part of the region in mopti there are about seven thousand refugees children suffer the most unless medication is brought in the centers treating malnutrition like the one we saw in mopti would face tragedy i mean. like please tracing malnutrition is a necessity in today's critical situation negligence was the cause of malnutrition before but now and then this crisis most children are suffering tizen as it happens
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in every home where children don't get enough care and could die. alternative c. routes are being tried to deliver supplies to to book to the in the share and spread them to the north from there we also saw many people come to donate blood so desperately needed in hospitals a christian community in the central region of mali has been collecting supplies. the war has taken on a religious meaning and when that happens the first thing they to announce they're hunting us those who are directly linked with religion. get us into despite the fact the war is moving away the situation remains critical a country filled with refugees and deporting the health and food crisis is putting eighteen million people at risk of malnutrition there are so on us but what is what am i going to hear on gonzalo lunch or mali for r t meanwhile mounting reports from cities that have been liberated suggested that freedoms come at
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a cost french are strikes reportedly resulted in a number of civilian casualties earlier i spoke to a tirana her son from human rights watch who has been looking straight into these allegations. we didn't get it i just finished a ten day investigation into various human rights abuses that took place in mali we confirmed that there were four people that were killed by what appears to be aerial strike differentials to say that the aerial strike launched by the french actually took place in the afternoon approximately around four o'clock but what we've heard is that there was an aerial strike by a helicopter at around ten o'clock in the morning on the eleventh and in that strike which took out a number of these casualties including the four members of the mica family and possibly two others to billions who was struck in a nearby come and this is why there needs to be an immediate and independent investigation into these into the civilian casualties to find out. who did these
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drugs first of all and to find out what the targets were because during these sort of military operations it's only lawful it strikes occur on a legitimate military target and that's what needs to be established here at this stage she did they have been civilian casualties and that raises some serious questions we also have documented disappearances by the manly an armed forces which have taken place. where they have taken a risk to people and the families of those people have not been able to find them since and we have concerns about the prospects of reprisal killings this is been something that's been a concern for a very long time as the islamists of which are on the potential victims of people from ethnic groups who such as the pool such as tyrant such as arabs whose houses have been ransacked whose shops have been looted and in some cases they've been targeted during security operations. this is r.t.
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as a new diplomatic term begins in washington with john kerry at the helm it's been revealed that many employees of the u.s. state department were major donors to barack obama's presidential campaign a recently published report says competition among big money backers to land the top foreign service jobs was especially tight this year artie's guy nature can has the story. as you can imagine the competition for diplomatic post is tough especially in safe and wealthy country somewhere in western europe and asia a recent study by two professors of international relations at pennsylvania state university looked at available information on president obama's donors direct political contributions and the positions that they received and they concluded that those whose political connections to president obama were measured in dollars for the administration service had an increased chance of representing the united states in western europe and a smaller chance of serving in say central asia or sub-saharan africa donors and advisers involved in the diplomatic selection process say the competition this year
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has been so tight that those who have raised less than a million dollars are for the most part unlikely to be considered so what is the quote unquote price tag for the highly sought diplomatic posts according to this study friends and monaco topped the list with a level of personal contributions at six point two million dollars quote unquote the price for a position in the u.k. the authors find appears to lie between six hundred fifty thousand dollars and two point three million dollars a posting in luxembourg is valued as three point one million dollars and appointment to portugal was predicted to have a value of around six hundred thousand dollars like all modern presidents before him president obama has appointed friends and donors to about thirty percent of diplomatic posts while seventy percent of the posts go to career diplomats so judging by this research career diplomats go to places like yemen while big donors
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go to him on a code nobody of course calls it bribery here these are just respectable donors who get what they want when they pay the price. now israel is reportedly intending to create a buffer zone stretching up to seventeen kilometers inside syria and the country's military sources insist the area will belong to syria and they are not invading any sufferance state well israel also wants to place inference reaper grades and a number of tanks there as well a stated aim of this is to prevent mortar and rocket attacks coming from inside the embattled country it's hoped this would also stop radical groups moving close to israeli territory if indeed assad's government is toppled a security fence is now being erected along the frontier with syria in the southern golan heights international relations expert dr jamal wakim things all this has very little to do with the issue of security imposing a buffer zone will make israel in the future to. negotiate over withdrawing from
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this buffer zone rather than withdrawing from the golan heights this is very similar to the attempt of israel in one thousand seven hundred eight to zero in impose a buffer zone in south lebanon when it was the same claim that it wanted to defend it's not the border of the agreed objective is to annex more territories and at the same time and at them to threaten the massacres that so if israel expands its domain by another seventeen kilometers this will make it reach close very close to damascus and this is very dangerous to the stability of the regime and with it will give the insurgents like free zone and free base a secure base to launch attacks against the syrian regime so this is a direct and thank them and of israel. the gulf kingdoms of bahrain and
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kuwait have seeing a fresh public outcry against the country's unelected rulers who've been stepping up their crackdowns on dissent for the last two years calls from all right son democracy or increasingly met with brutal force the conservative monarchs refused to concede while the west is accused of turning a blind eye to violations by its key arab allies lucy and off filed this report. as you. can see. life in the gulf used to look like this. but the black gold hidden beneath the sands transforms the arabian states from inhospitable deserts came storing structures of glass and steel physical testaments to their wealth and power in a wider region known for its tinderbox tensions the gulf monarchies have stood out for their relative stability and for an oil dependent west eager for a military stronghold to counter iran the gulf became a strategic away says petro dollars have helped to insulate the gulf against
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economic hardships plaguing other states but not against popular uprisings now the gulf monarchies as a whole have been struggling to stave off the effects of the arab spring with varying degrees of success kuwait is largely seen as the most tolerant of the gulf countries but the worry is that the trend could be reversed activists say that it already has been political gatherings of more than twenty people are banned as are political parties and when the last opposition dominated parliament challenge the ruling authorities it was dismissed voting rules were changed to ensure critics say a more compliant parliament speaking out against the system has landed many activists in jail as for those who took to the streets to protest we were beaten up by. the special forces team and the sound bombs and but all and and after the modish whoever it is on the streets isn't just being detained and thrown into jail it's a struggle activists in bahrain are all too familiar with the. three days after
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egypt's former president was ousted from power protests began in both frames like the kuwaitis they weren't demanding an end to the monarchy but more representation at a violent crackdown saw a shift in some of those demands because the new law to stop it is at the different it is against the regime against the. he took the ship by gainst the situation out on the one thousand five hundred prison others we have. every day with the local. security forces and rounding gate is thanking the people at the king and houses as in other gulf states the monarchy blames the unrest on a radical minority they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government and impose on the rest of the population. a system of government that is to keep unacceptable these demands called for
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a. minster style democracy captain head of style democracy in golf but critics disagree saying the protesters simply want their governments to listen i want to comes to violent crackdowns he says westminster and capitol hill simply turn a blind eye we are the victims because we live in a country which have so the us and the united states and they don't get our blood the people they don't care about the humanity they don't care about the bahraini blood they care about the go you know. whether in bahrain saudi arabia qatar oman or kuwait seems like this one are becoming increasingly more common but nasa shows a police like this one show that the dots well wolf alone isn't enough to insulate the countries from people taking to the streets and demanding a greater say in their political system and unless the monarchies show themselves willing to listen their stability may prove to be
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a mirage you see catherine of r.t.e. kuwait. artist on the come just a bit later in the program here on out say that have a bottle of negative press of the u.k. considers deflecting a potential wave of eastern european immigrants with i'm highlighting just why they would be much better off staying at home. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we. covered. if he.
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could be with us here. in moscow or the u.k. is looking for ways to cope with the wave of eastern european immigrants expected at its doors when romania and bulgaria give an unrestricted access to the e.u. that will be in twenty fourth saying well the government is considering
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a negative ads advertisement campaign about the country to make it less appealing to potential labor has this report. we show many things going for our country the english language testing times brilliant history very creative people some of the best universities in the world a great place to do business we need to stand up and shout about how great britain is and get people to come and invest and visit but that's not the message that europe's newest member states will be getting come january twenty fourth team twenty nine million romanians and bulgarians will be able to live and work anywhere in europe including britain but the u.k. government is reportedly brainstorming ways to dissuade what's feared it could be a flood of eastern european immigrants from coming to britain one idea a negative advertising campaign where the government would say britain isn't all
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it's cracked up to be the. that everybody in the world wants to come doing that because in the new jobs of the most finest greatest country for english people it is that they seem to forget that remaining friends remain as a beautiful country loving warm exciting country to live in today so when they produce these statistics about thirty million remain and. everybody is going to leave and then the last one. is going to be a single person left and then it really is nonsensical as one minister person at a negative ad campaign would help to correct the impression that these streets a paved with gold but even considering how to push off would be migrants the british government has managed to spread not one but two whole countries and now one rumania newspaper has decided that rather than getting mad it's going to get even instead. the prime advertising campaign says that since living in the u.k.
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is no walk in the part brits should move to remain a instead stereotypes about. british food women and even the royal family come under fire danger by the british people to come to romania i mean they're here half of our women look like kate and the other half like her sister so this is a funny campaign but if you can see behind it there's actually a serious message which is that romania had still valuable resources intelligence and humor and returns to take advantage of this next wave of immigrants instead of marking their nevertheless last month the u.k. home secretary said that migration puts downward pressure on wages and has a bad influence on social cohesion and some ministers have suggested limiting remain in symbolic ariens access to health services and housing when they arrive as
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you can imagine not all the romanians living in the u.k. are cleaning the toilets some of them are highly qualified even the understudies their so they find is a very aggressive and under society campaign really whether or not the anti britain campaign will ever make it to a billboard near bucharest is now beside the point the british government has already made the newest members feel that little bit less welcome here. r.t. london and i do remember you can always i stay up to date with the latest news we're just heading to our website c dot com but here are some of the stories we got there for you right now just a click away at the moment for example of people australia they want to stay clear of canisters containing highly toxic materials are probably they've washed up on a pristine beaches all along the east coast. also a british intelligence reportedly concerned that the queen of crime agatha christie
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accidentally spilled one of the country's biggest wartime secrets our story and more at all if you got caught. documentaries in arabic it's we'll hear. from the world talks about six of the interviews for intriguing stories for you. in trying. to find out more visit. twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital reportedly preparing to test fly a brand new drug which could herald a breakthrough in the art of unmanned war that the aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar and can even select an attack human targets by itself from london this report now and you sara. it can fly faster than the speed of sound it
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can deploy its own weapons and it can go deep into enemy territory now this is the ne british super drone as it's known in the trenches has been under development for many many years now costing hundreds of millions of pounds already but it's thought that this revolutionary new secret is going to be taking is maiden voyage over the next couple of weeks that's what's expected now military chief has said that the transits will pave the way for a whole new generation of these new drones and it's being billed as the future of the air force but experts have warned that this could open the doors to a whole new type of warfare there's concerns about robo wolf air where machines that are able to launch their own attacks could attack humans and of course a lot of control the sea that always surrounds the east of drones as well they're still there and with the here and now because the controversy surrounding drone warfare has been highlighted recently when the u.n.
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launched an investigation in to civilian deaths caused by the drones now assisting the u.n. in their research it's a team from goldsmiths university of london and i'm joined by one of thirteen now professor. and i thank you very much for joining us today and this new technology a lot of talk about a lot of excitement but a huge number of unanswered questions that go along with these developments you're taking part in this investigation now we haven't even really got questions answered eight of the legality of these attacks and yet we're seeing technology sort of leapfrogging over the law at this point i think that what. we are seeing a de facto legislation by practice. of warfare actually creating the law for the problem of the law for use it always lags behind the technologies are full of course technology moves much for. aster than the laws of war and if technology changed the way in which we conduct our wars when we speaking about
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drone warfare we're not really speaking about the area bomb being we're speaking about targeted attacks and especially the kind of the new type of activity we've been seeing in the last decade that is called an extra duty juridical assassination these really are based on kill ists and they are compiled by somebody either authorized by the people with the reason or transparency and we do not know how that process was undertaken and of course this is really what your investigations hinge on is gathering that all important data isn't it absolutely in the forensic architecture project at goldsmiths what we look at is the nature of war in an urban area and the most strong attacks are launched on inhabited areas areas with a lot of civilians with civilians and militant are entangled in the numbers are very difficult to establish because both israel and the united states would
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consider every man over a certain age sometimes sixteen sometimes eighteen is a militant by definition we know we can is not true the details of that investigation the results are expected towards the end of the year and tabor thank you for joining it's day to talk about british steeped and of course all the unanswered questions that go along with that. ok time now for the r.t. world update let's get into it now with the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad he has just arrived in cairo his first visit to egypt in more than thirty years with injuns attending a muslim summit and will discuss security issues with the country's leader mohamed morsi and the visit is seen as an attempt to improve relations between the two regional heavyweights which have no fully fledged diplomatic ties there are currently signs of a thawing a sense of gyptian islamists replace the ousted hosni mubarak two years ago iran also wants to get cairo on board with such issues as syria and iran nuclear program . suicide bombers detonated
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a car packed with explosives near an iraqi military checkpoint in the town of tire g killing three it's the eighth terrorist attack in iraq this month alone and comes only a day after a blast in the same town killed twenty two no group has yet claimed responsibility . one of america's top credit ratings agencies or says it's preparing to face a lawsuit from the u.s. government standard and poor's is accused of handing down bogus forecasts on mortgage related investments in the run up to the credit crunch of two thousand and seven s. and p. has dismissed the allegations saying it had relied on the same data as washington which failed to predict the crisis of the lawsuit would be the first such case against a ratings agency in connection with the financial crisis. now the u.s. and south korea flexing their military muscles in the east china sea after north korea's recent threat to conduct a nuclear test seoul said the drills are part of
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a regular military training mission claims it's a plot to attack it human rights lawyer and co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war. and he says that washington's only pouring fuel on the fire. it's the worst thing you can do under these circumstances is to inflame volatile situation to conduct these military exercises that always inflame that use live ammunition up and down the border with north korea this is inflammatory on a lot of levels and we need to step back these naval exercises it's like a race to the bottom if you will when are we going to get more creative in the way that we resolve conflict in this world this conflict gives us such an opportunity with a new secretary of state new leader in south korea we should be pushing for peace suspend these naval exercises and go from there yes there should be non proliferation of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula but we don't even
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recognize north korea as a nation have a peace treaty or formal relations to deal with these matters what do we expect. right up next in a just a moment here and. there were feeling the scandals behind the latest financial headlines the kaiser fought that's a much. secretary of state hillary clinton recently testified to congress in regards to the attack on the u.s. consulate was killed an american ambassador in benghazi libya during the testimony couldn't rather calmly said you know things like that the revolutions that sprang up during the arab spring like in libya where the events in bali have created insta .


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